We build lasting value, and growth by investing in people

Kuisque metus vitae sed pharetra auctor semy massa interdum magna augue eget ullamcorper diamy ante ipsum praesent mauris faucibus luctus ultrices posuere cubilia.

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    Our Courses

    UG Programmes

    • BA Economics
    • BA English (Model I)
    • BA English (Model II)
    • BCom Computer Application
    • BCom Computer Application SF
    • BCom Cooperation
    • BCom Finance & Taxation
    • BBA
    • BSc Chemistry (Model II)
    • BSc Computer Science SF
    • BSc Mathematics
    • BSc Physics

    Welcome to our Institution

    St. Paul’s College

    St. Paul’s College, is a prestigious arts and science college which functions under the Archdiocese of Verapoly and is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University. The College received the first NAAC accreditation in the year 2004 and now it is re- accredited with ‘A’ grade in the third cycle in 2016.

    The Western Speaker training

    Welcome to our Institution

    St. Paul’s College

    St. Paul’s College, is a prestigious arts and science college which functions under the Archdiocese of Verapoly and is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University. The College received the first NAAC accreditation in the year 2004 and now it is re- accredited with ‘A’ grade in the third cycle in 2016.

    58 Years of College: A Milestone of Excellence and Learning

    58 Years of College: A Milestone of Excellence and Learning

    58 years is nothing but a tiny drop in the unceasing flow of cosmic time. On the human scale, however, it amounts to the life span of about three generations.

    Our Placement Partners

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